
have you ever stood beneath a waterfall and tried to take a sip? well, neither had i, until that day. until the downpour came so fast and so intensely that I had to get out in the middle of it. had to stand beneath it just trying to take it all in, worried i wouldn't catch it all. there, face to the sky, arms wide, catching a revelation.

this is a sacred place - set apart for revelation alone. you will not find me here, only Him, only what He desires to say. this holy ground is dedicated unto the LORD. i will simply place uncut stone, upon uncut stone.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Armor up

 Tuesday, August 31, 2021 

A Word from the LORD. 


(What a Name we have in Jesus – a beautiful and glorious Name.) I asked the LORD what he’d want to say and this is what He spoke to me. (It seems a pronouncement) 


“The LORD God Almighty cometh. He brings in His right has a swift sword. It will level the haughty. Bring peace to the lowly. It will bring justice to the downtrodden and hope to the brokenhearted. 


My time is coming and behold, it is at the door waiting to be beckoned “come.” Once My time arrives all will cease to be as it was. War will no longer be rumors for the enemy will call for a final battle, one that encamps the whole world. All that you have known will fail. All that has been will pass away and a new order will begin. In it, Mine will prosper while the world falls at their feet (falls dead at their feet) You will stay, you will not go. All that you have known will be no  more. (Don’t just look to save your own but for the welfare of those around you.)


In 9 days the door will open and time will come rushing in. Be ready. (LORD, what do I need to do to be ready? Will You show me please?) On the 10th day all will be made clear – wait, watch.


See how even now I have made a place to sit in the rock? See that it is just what you need and it fits you? You will have what you need, in due season.


A prophet must be proved. She must withstand the test. Post this and see. See that you have heard. See that I am about My work. See…


While the world sleeps evil is conniving and contriving destruction. War is about to be loosed that will make way for the end of all things. Once I have spoken, it must come to pass – for My Word cannot lie. Once I take mount I will not relent until all is under My feet. Until they are no more.


Gird up in My armor that you may battle well. Intercede for the lost that I may relent, lest they perish. For when I come I will plow down who are raised up against Me. None shall stand. The enemy is deceiving do not forget that what appears innocent is not. They will rise from nowhere and attack and you will be in awe. Surprise is on their side, but do not fear for I am there, they will not reign for long. The tide will turn quickly, just as they begin to rejoice. And their rejoicing will turn to terror as they see Me on the horizon, knowing defeat is imminent. They will wail and mourn and lash out one final time to take with them as many as they can to the depth of Hell. To darkness and gloom for all eternity-damned beyond damned…


Even then they will not give up, they will claw and grasp all the way down, many will be snatched, caught up in their clutches – wailing wildly, trying to escape. Who will recue them? Who will I send? 


(I sense the enemy will arise in Kentucky, Alabama, Michigan, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, Montana. The targets - California & New York – the pride. It’s a warning to show their strength and aid in submission. They will be bold, brazen, proud of their destruction, though it is as a shot over the bow of a ship. The real battle is yet to come. Armor up!

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Time come

This vision was given me on December 24, 2019. I typed as fast as I could to capture it all. I tried to "pause" the vision to chronicle the detail, but understood that I could not, because it was happening "real time".

The Throne room. A gong sounded and it signaled that God would rise from His throne. All eyes were upon Him as He stood and reached into the universe and parted the vast darkness. He looked briefly into eternity then resumed His place on the throne. He swiped his right foot in front of Him and the floor of Heaven became as glass. I sensed more that this was to reveal Himself than for Him to see. Multitudes of angels flooded the space. Not an inch of room between them. Then with one heart they all took a knee before Him, heads bowed, right arm at their breast, Deep reverence filled the air. Complete silence. They held their stance long before Him. It seemed as if this was preparation for battle. 
            Leather wristlets with tassels
            Pleated Leather kilts
           Swords strapped to the right sides
           Feet in leather sandals
           Heads bare and bowed before the King of Kings, & LORD of Lords.
           Wings folded tightly 

Then one by one they rise. Dropping hand from their breast and gaze into the face of their God. The Light of His Presence blazing upon them, and they, taking it in. Empowered by it. And once they’ve had their fill they rise sward drawn into the air, wings fully extended – ready for battle. Each is sent according to the Will of God. Each of them known fully as they stand in His Presence., bare chested before Him. Nothing hidden. He is pleased with each and all. His pride. You can feel their love for each other. 

Jesus sits and takes it all in. Eager but nonplussed, for He already knows the outcome.

Time draws near for the future to come. God has called to it and it obeys. It is coming. (This is what God was doing when He parted the vastness) The next age is on its way. Prepare! For what is to come is fearfully wonderful. What is to come will pave the way for Christ’s return. What is to come must be fulfilled, for it was written before time began.

God has beckoned it. Time, come.

"Age to age I AM the same. Age to age My Will will be done. Age to age I AM."

The Heavenlies burst into a flurry of activity. None are still but They on the throne.

Eager excitement. Eager anticipation. Eager preparation. The air seems electrified. 

The brightness of the Throne Room begins to expand, overtaking the darkness surrounding it. Onward it grows, swallowing up all in its path. 

The angels have been sent to the corners of the earth, of time as we know it. They await God to give the order to fold it up as a sheet. To bring it to the altar and heap it upon the flames. As they lift the corners together chaos ensues. Fear and trembling overtake man and authorities see that they had no real power as the shaking begins. They are flung far and wide. Hurled into space, lost in the darkness. Mountains bow, streams flood, oceans hurl and time is rolled up.

In solemn motion the earth is folded like a sheet. Angles encircle and watch the final days. They intervein no more. All is done. It is finished. They process to the Throne Room and lay it all at the Feet of God, bowing deeply and they back away. 

God looks to Jesus, and Jesus rises and picks up the folded parcel of time and holds it to His breast. He cries as He holds it, mourns for the losses. And gently, as a mother with a newborn, He lays it upon the altar, then He takes a knee before the altar, before His God, His head unbowed.

And a gold crown appears on His head as He rises. He, Himself has done it. His creation, His completion. By His own hand it has all come together. And as He rises, His hands upon the altar are unharmed by the flames. 

Jesus hold a key, He reaches into the universe and turns the key on an unseen lock and opens the star studded sky. Light comes rushing forth as He stands and holds the door. He, ushering in the new era. An era of brilliant light. Light He’s had waiting for this very moment. And it fills the space. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Be ready!

Father –what would You say to those eager for Your voice?

There is a time coming when You will see Me move.  Be ready.  Be ready to move, when I move.  Be ready to speak when I speak.  Do nothing of your own will, but wait for My Word.  There is a time come that I will raise my mighty Right Hand and bring it down with a crashing thunder – run.  Be ready and alert, awaiting my command.  Do not slumber and rest on your beds, be up and alert for I AM come.  When you see the signs, be ready, when you hear the murmurings be attentive, for the earth and seas know how to sense My times, so must you.  Be patient and wait for My call.  All will come, under My authority and they will bow both the saved and unsaved.  The left and the right.  And I will judge them in that Day and they will know, with no doubt, that I AM God.  I AM He who saves.  I AM He who calls and wills.  Run to Me now before it is to late.  See, I am doing a new thing.  Do you not perceive it?  Ask Me to help you to see.  For I desire to show you.  Mine know My voice and are happy.  The world cannot know because the follow another and listen to his voice.  Therefore, be ready to go when I send you.  Be ready to speak that their ears might be opened and they be saved.  For I AM come - soon.